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Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am a novice at this and am going WAY out of my comfort zone to publish my thoughts, projects and ...

Monday 14 February 2022

Technology Adventure Badge- Guest Blogger Bronson

The Choice:
Technology Adventure Badge

Adventure 1

Search your house for the oldest piece of technology. Now find the newest. How have they changed?

After some clues form my mom, I found her old VCR in our storage room. I did not know what it was.

I knew the newest technology we had was the Nintendo Switch.

Take a look at my video to see how this video image technology has changed. 

Adventure 2

Share Lego boost coding with group.

It took me around 3 to 4 hours to build Frankie the cat. There is a video of mid-build Frankie below!

You can can find out more about and buy the Lego Boost here.

Adventure 3

Complete Telus Wise Course

This is a free course made by Telus for all age groups. You can find out more about Telus Wise by clicking here.

Adventure 4

Online OutSchool course.

Over three weeks, I learned cursive writing on OutSchool's Tails and Curls class.
I chose it because I am interested in learning to read and write cursive.
This adventure was very fun.

REVIEW your adventure.
Write or draw your thoughts:

Tomorrow I am presenting Frankie the Cat to my Cubs group. I can't wait.
These adventures were exciting and I learned some stuff! I learned what the oldest piece of technology in my house was. I din't know what a VCR was and now I know. I thought a VCR was a virtual reality system. 

I learned about technology safety and how to write all the letters and lots of words in cursive. 

I am having fun taking over my mom's blog and I learned how to insert links in a better way. 

I recommend working on this badge to all my fellow Cub Scouts! 


Tuesday 25 January 2022

Guest Blogger Teaser!

 I am so excited to have Bronson get back to using tech to create! Which also helps me to get back to doing the same. I have been much more of a tech consumer these past two years. I can't imagine why?! When we initially moved to online learning in my province, I was spending more hours than I ever have creating digital content for my students. That lead to more time on screens and a lack of balance away from the screen. Which brings me to this post! Bronson will be posting here about his Scout personal achievement badges. He will be capturing and curating as he works towards the adventures. We will learn together to strive for a better balance between creating and consuming when on our screens.

He is bringing life back into this blog and is motivating me to give it a long overdue update!