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Monday 14 February 2022

Technology Adventure Badge- Guest Blogger Bronson

The Choice:
Technology Adventure Badge

Adventure 1

Search your house for the oldest piece of technology. Now find the newest. How have they changed?

After some clues form my mom, I found her old VCR in our storage room. I did not know what it was.

I knew the newest technology we had was the Nintendo Switch.

Take a look at my video to see how this video image technology has changed. 

Adventure 2

Share Lego boost coding with group.

It took me around 3 to 4 hours to build Frankie the cat. There is a video of mid-build Frankie below!

You can can find out more about and buy the Lego Boost here.

Adventure 3

Complete Telus Wise Course

This is a free course made by Telus for all age groups. You can find out more about Telus Wise by clicking here.

Adventure 4

Online OutSchool course.

Over three weeks, I learned cursive writing on OutSchool's Tails and Curls class.
I chose it because I am interested in learning to read and write cursive.
This adventure was very fun.

REVIEW your adventure.
Write or draw your thoughts:

Tomorrow I am presenting Frankie the Cat to my Cubs group. I can't wait.
These adventures were exciting and I learned some stuff! I learned what the oldest piece of technology in my house was. I din't know what a VCR was and now I know. I thought a VCR was a virtual reality system. 

I learned about technology safety and how to write all the letters and lots of words in cursive. 

I am having fun taking over my mom's blog and I learned how to insert links in a better way. 

I recommend working on this badge to all my fellow Cub Scouts! 


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